Without giving good consideration on your conference room, you probably have a lot of mismatched chairs, tables and TVs. The question is- how do you turn this misfit of a room into a functional space? If that’s the case, I’ve got some tips for you.
Where to Start?
Always start with walls. Walls can be a great way to define different areas in your conference room.
One wall might be dedicated to your company logos and photos while another might be an inspirational quote or nice artwork for the room.
Pick Your Colors
Next up, think about color palettes and organizational colors. A good starting point is to pick one color from each palette so that users will see the same thing from different areas in their meeting time. But wait! What about art? Well, this is where you get creative!
You can either create a clever pattern from disparate or similar pieces of art or use some clever lighting effects to make your walls really pop.